Friday, June 5, 2009


There is not much I can do for you, Kent, except remember you are in the city jail for what seems to be an extremely punitive amount of time. It will be hot and miserable there this summer with short tempers, too many odors and undoubtedly some mentally challenged inmates. Many if not most have ever experience the exhilarating beauty and peace of the woods and mountain of our home state.
When I have to go to "my happy place" it's a hillside in Banner Elk covered with wild wintergreen and sassafras (which Granddaddy taught me to identify and sample) and the sweetest moist smell which I associate with a place we called Fairyland. The fairies were creekside dragonflies and to this day I would happily be reincarnated as one. A blue one, please. What other creature can fly and have sex at the same time?

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